Friday, August 8, 2014

thoughts of a crazy pregnant lady.

I've had a mad case of "pregnancy brain" for pretty much the duration of this pregnancy (sorry Miles...and anyone else who has to deal with me on an ordinary basis), but now it seems as though the wheels in my brain can't (or just won't) stop spinning.  Last night was the first night I've truly felt anxious (obviously since the beginning...that was one panic attack after another) about having a baby, or about giving birth, or about being a parent.  Sure I've thought about it, but last night was different.  Right now I don't even know what I'm worried about because there are a slew of emotions running through my veins.  But I can't turn off my brain, and it's currently working in overdrive making me feel all kinds of crap that normally I could NOT care less about.  For instance.........

Ladies...I gotta know if I'm completely crazy or made of steel or if all these other gals are bigger babies than the ones they are birthing.  My apologies up front for any crude language in this post, but sometimes, damnit, it's just necessary.
Guys...I'd probably stay as far from this post as you possibly can.  Ain't nothin' you're gonna want to read in here.

I have read multiple books about pregnancy, and I now feel guilty.  Yes, guilty.  Why guilty, you ask?  Because clearly I've had the easiest pregnancy in all of human history.  Either that, or these other women are full of shit.  And yes, literally they are, because apparently constipation is a huge issue for most women.  Something I can't relate to.  No more details about that.  Moving on.

So I was told to read Jenny McCarthy's "Belly Laughs" for a humorous and honest depiction of pregnancy (now that I'm basically done being pregnant), so I went to Barnes and Noble this week and bought it.  It's funny, I'll admit there were some definite LOLs while I read, but the whole book is about her pregnancy with her son and the atrocious things that happened to her throughout the nine months.  Um.  First let me say, I realize she's trying to sell books, so I assume exaggeration is present in the text, but if only HALF of what she writes is SOMEWHAT true, I cannot imagine.  There's no way I would've survived!  Here are a few of the many examples.

1. Morning sickness.  Never had it.  Probably would've killed me.  Now I know this one is legit because most of my friends and family that have had babies can vouch for it.  My sister pretty much threw up daily...for 9 months.  Can you imagine????  Well, some of you probably don't have to imagine because you dealt with it yourselves, so before you punch me in the face, I'll move on.

2. Cravings.  Miles would probably say that I craved chips and hot sauce in the beginning (or maybe that was all that was in the pantry), and I'd say that I've craved sweet tarts and peanut butter and ice cream and maybe even strawberries since then.  But those are all things that I love anyway, so it's really not been anything over the top.  I've not been awakened from my (perfectly comfortable and normal) sleep with an overwhelming desire for pickles or hot dogs or something else I'd normally hate.  I've not forced Miles to unwillingly go to the store at odd hours because I just HAD to have something.  Now, I would love to eat sushi, but I'd say that's only because I've been told I can't have it.  Which, as we all know, crap like that plays tricks on your brain.

3. Constipation, hemorrhoids, gas, etc.  I'm lumping all of these disgusting issues into one so that we can quickly move forward from this topic.  Do people seriously get all of these for 9 months?????

4. Hot flashes.  Alright people...I moved to freaking HOUSTON and I'm still not seeing the big deal about heat.  Don't get me wrong, it's humid and disgusting here about 99% of the time, but it hasn't caused me to sweat uncontrollably or strip naked and sit in front of a fan for hours at a time.

5. Acne/rashes.  Considering the fact that after I got off birth control several years ago I had to see a dermatologist and was diagnosed with "adult acne" (yeah, that was fun at 28 years old), I'd say my face looks freaking amazing now.  I guess maybe those of you who have had perfect skin your whole life have had to experience the horror that is face and body breakouts during pregnancy, and you know what?  It's 9 months, not 31 years.  So I don't feel bad for you.  Nope, not on this one.  :)

6. Stretch marks and cellulite.  Ok, I've had both for as long as I can remember, so the onset of these was to be expected.  I've used Bio-oil on my stomach in an effort to prevent the stretch marks from creeping up off my thighs and ass to my belly, and so far, so good.  Cellulite blows, and yes mine has gotten significantly worse during pregnancy, but for those of you that only had/have it while you are pregnant, well you suck.  And again, no sympathy here.  Yours will go away, whereas I'm stuck with mine FOR-E-VER.  So bite me.

7. Pain.  Considering that I'm growing a mini-Miles Cobb in my uterus, I've been incredibly lucky when it comes to pain and discomfort.  Sure, I'm having a massive man-child baby.  But somehow he's kept it tight in there and not caused me much more than occasional rib aches and maybe a hint of back pain here or there.  I can live with that.

8. Loss of sleep.  Not even a little bit.  Next.

9. Peeing every 5 minutes.  Basically I've been able to relate to this one since I started my obsession with Route 44 waters from Sonic many many years ago.  I drink tons of water all day every day, so I pee all the time anyway, and this is nothing new for me.  As far as waking up multiple times in the middle of the night, see #8 to determine that this has not been an issue for me.

10. Hormonal outbursts.  I've had like 3.  Maybe 5 tops.  I haven't cried or broken things though, so I feel like that is an accomplishment in and of itself since I'm incredibly temperamental and an emotional wreck about 95% of the time anyway.  It takes a lot to get a compliment out of Miles when it comes to my derangedness (I know, not a word, but it works), but he's even said on multiple occasions that I'm waaaaay better pregnant than he ever thought I'd be.  And yes, ladies, that to me is a compliment.

Now...all of that being said, yes I've had a few symptoms of pregnancy.  Like the aforementioned "pregnancy brain," for instance.  Just the other day I asked what part of Africa that Cambodia was in.  REALLY????  And I used to TEACH CHILDREN???  Yikes.  Then there's the horrid indigestion.  That for me has by far been the worst part of pregnancy.  Probably because it's the only real symptom I've had, suckers.  :)  But seriously, it's disgusting, and I cannot wait for it to go away!  Also, I'm tired all the time, but what you all have to understand is that I have loved sleep my entire life.  Mom says when I was a baby my dad would call at lunch to check on me and I'd still be asleep from the night before!  And I can't lie, since I'm not working right now, sleeping in and daily naps are at the top of my priority list and your judgment and jealousy regarding my lifestyle does not phase me.  Kidding, kidding.  And yes, I know that's going to end soon, so I'll just live it and love it while I can!

But seriously, am I crazy or do women over-exaggerate pregnancy symptoms and pains and discomfort because it's the one time in life you can get away with it?  I'm not judging.  In fact, sometimes I think I should've milked this thing a lot more (especially when Miles pisses me off about something stupid...i.e. the ice cream incident of the 35th week, it was a doozie!).  Maybe next pregnancy!  Actually, next pregnancy will probably be payback for this post and I'll feel awful and cry every day for 9 months.  Don't lie, some of you are wishing that upon me right now.

Anywho, I warned y'all in the title that these were the thoughts of a crazy pregnant lady, so if you're still reading and asking yourself "why am I still reading this?" you can't say you weren't warned...

So this, BABY BOOM HITS NORTH TEXAS 9 MONTHS AFTER ICE STORM, is actually really funny, because it totally happened to Miles and me...

I remember school being canceled and still having to drive to the doctor's office in the snow and ice.  My guess is that perhaps that's not the same way other people were making babies during that huge winter storm...but so that Tater doesn't feel like a petri-dish outcast baby, we'll let him think he was part of that winter storm baby boom of 2014!

Random thought (as most of them are)...What's up with it being cloudy and/or raining in Houston pretty much every day?  I'm over here living a VERY TEMPORARY life of luxury in this huge house with a massive pool in the backyard, and all I want to do is rosy up my puffy cheeks for all the pics I'll be taking soon, but a girl can't catch a break with the dang weather.

Anyway, I think I've been nervous and full of strange and anxiety-induced thoughts because I have a feeling that this baby is coming sooner than his due date.  I'm 37 weeks now, and we go back to the doctor on Monday.  Last week I measured smaller than I had the previous week (perhaps a few less bowls of ice cream??), so we are doing another ultrasound on Monday to make sure Tate is growing like he should be.  Not that I want him to come out before he is ready, but if he's going to be a 10 pound baby by his due date, I won't be mad at doc for taking him sooner.  They're going to use the ultrasound to check fluid levels and his size, and if it's not what they think it should be, I may be having a baby early next week.  HOLY CRAP.  Perhaps I should stop wasting time blog-rambling and instead continue doing my research on how to be a mom!  Seriously, last doctor's appointment the nurse was all "So what did y'all do this weekend?" and we answered, "It was pretty mellow, just hung out and tried to figure out this whole parenting thing," to which she replied, "Um guys it takes more than a weekend!"  So procrastination in this event wasn't the best of ideas?  Man it usually works out so well for me! :)

Hambone wanted a piece of the 37 week chalkboard action on his bday, so I had to oblige...

Well, even though I'm filled with anxiety-ridden thoughts of the whole public breastfeeding debate and judgment of being a stay-at-home mom who pumps, not having a clue what to do when Tate won't stop crying, trying to move into a house and create a nursery with a newborn, not have a heart attack when my mom leaves me after Tate is born, Hambone's jealousy of his baby brother getting all the attention, how I'm so glad it took me so long to write this blog that I didn't get in the pool because it's now pouring down rain, and so many other things, ultimately I look forward to Tate's long-awaited arrival and all of the joy that he will bring to Miles and I, to our families, our friends and so many loved ones.

One thought, above anything else, that is constant, is how grateful we are to God that in His perfect timing, we have been blessed with this easy pregnancy and this precious baby boy.  Knowing that He is ultimately in charge, I can rest easy (and y'all know I do!) knowing that my earthly concerns are unnecessary and unwarranted because He will take care of us.  He always does!

And now it's sunny outside.  Go figure.  I'm gonna go beached-whale style in my bikini that totally doesn't fit since I'm home alone.  I know y'all are loving that mental image!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


What is the point of life if not to take risks and embrace change??  Miles and I probably took that philosophy a little too literally when we decided, at 26 weeks pregnant with our first child, to pick up and move to Houston, taking on a life with only one income and a baby on the way that will significantly change everything we've always known.  Don't get me wrong, we are so excited about this opportunity, and we are fully confident that this move is for the best.  That being said, it doesn't take away the fear and uncertainty we are faced with as we put a contract on a house and enter the last month of my pregnancy!

So, to lay it all out there, here is a summary of what's been going on with us:

Miles started his job down here on June 2nd.  We listed our house in Benbrook on June 4th, and by June 6th we had 3 full or above-asking price offers on our precious abode.  Thank you, Lord!  Things were going about as great as we could've asked, until the house appraised for SIGNIFICANTLY less than our asking price (and what the buyers had offered).  That was pretty heartbreaking because the buyers had no additional money to put toward the house.  That meant a huge hit to the amount we were going to be able to put down on our house here.  Such a bummer.  And that house was worth so much more, stupid appraiser.  After lots of back and forth, and considering all options, in the end we decided to drop the price of the house to the appraisal value, and we prayed that this blessing would be paid forward.  I know how much I loved that house, and I wanted the same for the young couple that bought the house.  I just hope they appreciate it and love it like we did.  We closed on the house, moved our stuff to storage in Tomball, and had a shower in Rio Vista all in one weekend, and to say that it was rushed and chaotic is putting it mildly!  But hey, at least pregnancy provided me with an excuse not to lift boxes and to take frequent breaks while packing...and Miles can't say anything about it.  Not that he would because he's totally over-the-top and crazy about everything I do, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms!

Anyway, I moved to Houston around the middle of June, switched doctors at 28 weeks pregnant, and found a great hospital only about 5 minutes from where we are staying for Tate's delivery.  I'm sure the new doc took one look at my file and was like GREAT, here comes a needy one! :)

Since then we've had baby showers in both Longview and Rio Vista.  I can't even begin to detail the kindness and generosity of our friends and families.  This child has absolutely no idea how much he's been prayed for, loved and showered with blessings before he's even arrived!  Since we don't have a house yet, the majority of the stuff Tate was given at these showers is currently sitting at my parents' house and at Miles's parents' house.  Lucky for us they are kind of obsessed with this baby so housing all of his stuff is so far not a problem! :)

We had to miss the cruise this year because by then I was 31 weeks pregnant.  Carnival doesn't allow you to cruise if you are more than 24 weeks pregnant, so we knew all along we weren't going.  Call me spoiled, I'm well aware, but missing our annual family vacation was TERRIBLE!  The worst part of missing one trip in ten years was that it was Chance's first cruise, and I hated missing that experience with my sister and our family!  The good news is that we are already planning the trip for next year, so it looks like Tate's first big adventure will be ALASKA for Mimi and Big Daddy's 60th anniversary!

Currently, we are bunked up with family in Houston, and I can't tell you how blessed we are to have such kind-hearted and generous people willing to go above and beyond to make sure we are taken care of.  It's been fun having "roomies" to go to dinner with and binge watch HGTV, Fox News, and "Orange is the New Black" with all the time!  For those of you unfamiliar with that show, it's quite provocative and scandalous and can make one terribly uncomfortable watching with other people if you're the least bit modest.  But it's addicting nonetheless.  Just saying.  Either way, we are living the posh life in the midst of our homelessness, so we really can't complain much!

We are set to close on our house here on September 5th, and little man Tate will make his long-awaited debut sometime in August.  We had already discussed inducing labor (as long as everything is going as it should) with the doctor so that we can be out of the hospital by the time September rolls around and our insurance changes drastically.  That is if and only if the Tater is totally cooked and ready for the world!  Just one more thing to worry about - the stress of insurance changes when looking for pediatricians in an unfamiliar area.  Lord help me!

After our doctor's appointment this week, where we were told that Tate, at 35 1/2 weeks, weighs about 6 pounds 10 ounces, and that (without giving too much detail here) my body is already starting the whole labor process, we are thinking he's going to make an early exit.  And he's going to be freaking huge.  To quote my sister, "he's running out of womb!"  Thanks a lot, Miles!  Things can change quickly, or take forever to progress during pregnancy, so who knows what this little guy will end up doing?!  Needless to say, Miles and I decided it's fine time we get in gear and start doing all of the last minute shopping and prepping for baby.  As anxious and, well, let's be honest, PSYCHOTIC as I can be about stuff, I've really been okay for the most part throughout all of this chaos.  This week I've come to realize that has only been because I was just ignoring everything and delaying the inevitable!  Since our appointment, we've been shopping for last minute items and I've put Miles to work getting some of this baby stuff set up in our temporary home!  It's all become very real very quickly this week, and I may be starting to freak out JUST a bit. :)  Not having the ability to set up a nursery as you buy things and as you receive gifts, and to truly get a sense of everything that you have is quite stressful to say the least.  Being homeless is for the birds.

Hambone is still confused about what's going on in his life, and I feel so sorry for him because it's only about to get worse!  Judge all you want, but he's my first baby, and that dog has gotten me through years of despair dealing with infertility, so it just kills me when he's sad!  He's totally spoiled, don't get me wrong, but I can't help but feel incredibly bad for him.  Miles doesn't get it.  Just last night he told me "that dog is spoiled rotten and he's perfectly fine!"  I just hope he can adjust easily as soon as we get into the new house with a new baby.  He's going to be a great big brother!

As I read back over this post, I see that it's pretty much all over the place.  But basically that's my life right now, so if you're reading this, welcome to my world! :)

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support for our family and Baby Tate.  He'll be here before we know it and life will never be the same.  I can't wait!

Friday, June 6, 2014

abundant blessings.

This week has been a festival of tears.  I am officially finished at Aledo Middle School (waaaaahhhh!), and our house is officially on the market.  We have received excellent feedback on the house so far, which made my last day at AMS much easier, but still a bit devastating nonetheless...

The three girls coaches and the "Sunshine Committee" threw Tate a baby shower on Wednesday, and I have to say, nothing makes leaving more difficult than seeing firsthand once again how amazing all of your co-workers are.  Tate was showered with so many wonderful gifts by such kind and generous people.  We are truly blessed.
Thank you to Virginia, Keegan, Amber and Paula!  I love you all!

And thank you to everyone who was a part of the baby shower and to all of the amazing people that made my run at Aledo ISD so special.  

Saying the final goodbyes to the girls I coached this year did not make Wednesday and Thursday any easier!  These kiddos are amazing, and no matter where I go or where I end up, it's going to be incredibly difficult for any kids to compete with the ones from Aledo.  And I don't mean literally compete in sports (although that'd be quite the task as well), I mean as a whole, Aledo kids are indescribably awesome and I have been SPOILED rotten by these kids for the past 6 years.


I'm completely and totally bummed out to leave this 7th grade group before their time at AMS is over.  I was so looking forward to coaching them next year and being able to see the great strides that I know they will make because of all their hard work and dedication.  Guess I'll just have to watch from afar!  And, make some special trips north toting Tater to watch them kick butt!  

These girls "flash mobbed" us and did the wobble out of nowhere.  It was freaking awesome!

Have I bragged on the Aledo Softball girls winning state yet???  I could not be more proud of this amazing group!! 

Ahh the seniors...seems like yesterday they were just babies, and now they're winning championships and heading off to college.  This group means so much to me because they were my first group of 7th graders when I started at Aledo.  They have made me SO proud of all their accomplishments over the years.  And this one takes the cake!

Congratulations to Rhylie for winning MVP for 4A.  What. an. accomplishment!  And so well-deserved.  This kid is a beast.  And just a out 2015.

And last, but certainly not least, my baby Haybo.  I never understood how coaches and kids developed those "friendships" because I felt like it would stand in the way of me doing my job to the best of my ability.  Haylee helped me see that I can be a confidante, a mentor, and a friend without jeopardizing my position as her coach.  I love this girl, and I'm so proud of all she has already accomplished so early in life.  She is going to do amazing things, and I'm blessed beyond measure that our paths crossed 6 years ago.

And then there's this.
To top off the week, Lemons dropped by Tate's shower to shower me with an amazing gift.  Sorry to steal the spotlight from my Tater, but this is big. 
I consider this my "honorary" gold medal from the softball teams' state championship.  Although I am completely undeserving of it, I am truly honored that Coach Lemons would even think to include me.  I love those girls so much and I'm so grateful to have played a small part (several years ago) in their well-deserved success.  I will truly cherish this medal forever, and it will serve as a constant reminder of my amazing time at Aledo, working with amazing kids and amazing coaches.  It's funny.  Once I quit coaching softball 2 years ago, they went to state back to back years.  I feel like maybe Lemons gave this to me as a thanks for getting the hell out so they could do bigger and better things... :)  Honestly though, our family has been cursed for years, unable to bring home that coveted state championship.  Since I had technically already resigned from Aledo, and obviously was no longer coaching softball before they won, I guess the "Comfort Curse" may still be in existence...

  To sum up the kids at Aledo, just this year - the boys won state in football, the girls won state in softball, and tonight the baseball team plays for the state title.  THESE KIDS ARE AMAZING I TELL YA.  And they're smart (over 11 million earned in scholarships for this 2014 class).  And multi-talented.  And have I mentioned awesome?

I leave my job here with a heavy heart, but I know that this is what's best for Miles, myself, and baby Tate (and of course Hambone).  I love that God allowed me the opportunity to make the memories I've made in a job that I have loved.  Coaching runs deep in my veins, and I hope to someday be able to continue doing what I love.  But for right now, this little Tater tot coming in just a couple of months is going to be my priority, and I couldn't be more excited about the adventure Miles and I are about to embark upon together!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

empty nest...

I still think reality hasn't quite set in as far as the move to Houston goes.  Although, now that Miles is gone, it's getting really real really fast!  Hambone and I are still in Fort Worth until I finish school and get this house sold.  Milesy had his first day at his new job yesterday, and so far, so good.

We went "neighborhood hunting" last weekend while I was in Houston.  We are trying to decide what area of the suburbs we want to live in - although we won't be able to get serious about buying anything until we get this house sold in Benbrook.  It officially goes on the market tomorrow, so we're hoping for a quick and easy sell.  I love this house so much, so I hope that someone else can fall in love with it just like we did 5 years ago.

Hambone is pretty much totally confused, and thus, acting a tad psychotic.  He went bonkers last weekend in Houston, and the whole drive back to Fort Worth he paced my back seat.  I feel terrible for him because he's so uncertain of what's happening!  I've posted pictures before of him climbing in our suitcases and our laps when we pack for a weekend away, so just imagine his bewilderment and anxiety as we packed up our entire house!  I wish I could warn him that it's only going to get worse before it gets better... but I just have to remember (as Miles tells me ALLLLL the time) - he is a dog.  He will be fine. :)

Our house is almost completely empty, with the exception of our big furniture and some suitcases that I'm living out of for now.  Talk about barren.  The pantry is empty.  No big deal, not like I'm 7 months pregnant or anything.  OHHHH WAIT.  Yes, yes I am.  I see me gaining an exceptional amount of weight as long as I'm living here because I want ice cream every night and I want fried food every day.  So basically, frequent trips to Sonic and Braums are quickly emptying my wallet.  I may need help.

Speaking of food, none of my clothes fit.  So that's awesome.  Nike shorts or tights and t-shirts have completely taken over my wardrobe.  I'm one of those bitches with the "I refuse to buy maternity clothes for 3 months" mantra.  I'm sorry, but maternity clothes are expensive, and I'm cheap.  Especially now that I'm unemployed and we are essentially homeless.  Seriously though, every time I walk through the maternity section at the store, I pick up one or two things, mosey down the aisle, and put them back up.  No idea why.  I've never even tried anything on!  I hear GREAT things about maternity pants, so I'm not sure why I keep holding out.  I can't hold out much longer though, what with baby showers coming up and people expecting me to show up in something other than gym shorts...

Speaking of baby showers, my co-workers are throwing me a shower tomorrow, so pics will be uploaded soon.  I've been so blessed to work with such amazing people at Aledo Middle School, and I'm going to miss them TERRIBLY.  And the kids.  Such awesome kiddos at Aledo.  This sucks.

Ahhh, okay - I apologize for the sadness.  I really am looking forward to the adventure of moving south.  It's just that sometimes I have gloomy moments, which I believe is to be expected.  It's a lot, especially considering the additional hormones I'm rocking these days.  Lemme tell ya, those have made the past couple of weeks tons of FUN. :)

Although it's easy to get stressed out, we have lots and lots to be thankful for these days, so a little bit of a hectic schedule is really nothing to complain about.  It makes life very interesting, to say the least!  Above all, we are fortunate, we are blessed, and life is good!  Stay tuned!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Just a little announcement... has turned a bit hectic around the Cobb household the last 2.5 weeks!  Quite unexpectedly...

Milesy starts his new job June 2nd!  AHHH!  Thank GOD for my mother, who has been here since Monday, packing up our entire house and our lives on very short notice.  Our house should be on the market next week, once it's "show ready."  Lord knows it was nowhere NEAR pristine in the first it's filled with boxes and junk!  Garage/moving sale this weekend, Houston next weekend! My my, how life changes at the drop of a hat! 

I'll finish out the school year here in Fort Worth and sell our house, then head to Houston.  We are staying with family until our house sells and we buy our new home (probably around the Tomball area) basically Tater will be homeless when he arrives, but it's all good.  All you need is love, right?  :)

We are thrilled and excited for this new adventure, and we look forward to making Houston home to Hambone and our little Tot!  

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Chance's 1st Birthday!

Over the weekend we celebrated Chance's 1st birthday!  I can't believe that kid is already a year old...unbelievable!  He was absolutely adorable all day long, sporting his bare chest with his red and white polka-dotted tie and teal shorts.

Chelsea did a PHENOMENAL job planning the "Red Wagon" themed birthday party.  She's really starting to get the hang of this creativity thing! :)  Since they take Chance all over Kate Street in his precious Radio Flyer red wagon, it only made sense to make that the theme of his first birthday!

A little advertising session here:  Need a cake?? Mimi's Confections is the real deal!  Jamesa Jones is absolutely incredible.  Not only are the cakes freaking adorable, but they taste AH-mazing as well!

Lulu and Poppa hooked Chance (and his buddy Grey!) up with a sweet sandbox/water box that the boys just loved!

Ryan and Wendy gave him a new Radio Flyer to stroll around on!

Chance loved all of his gifts, but his attention span didn't last long with the plethora of toys Chelsea kept opening up!  

He did, however, find time to enjoy his new big-wheeled ride once Uncle Ryan finished putting it together (with a little help from Chance's friend, Gage and Aunt Kim)!

 That face!!!

Jamesa made Chance his own little birthday cake, which we were all waiting in extreme anticipation for him to smash his face into, but... I guess the little guy isn't quite the chocoholic his mom and Aunt Jen are.  That being said, he seemed to enjoy handful after handful of sugar!

 And apparently Chance's mama was enjoying the sugar as well...

 Beautiful family photo!

It was a perfect day.  Without realizing it, Chelsea planned the party on Mother's Day, but what better way to celebrate all of the moms in our lives than to celebrate baby Chance with his own mom, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers!?  Thanking God every day for all of our blessings!

Here are just a few more pics from the party!

Chance and his beautiful mama

 Chance's friend Gage saying "Cheese!"

 Poppa, Paw Paw and Uncle Matt

 Chance's daddy, Grandma, Grandpa and Poppa

Maw Maw feeding the birthday boy some hot dog bun with Mom and Aunt Erin!

Chance and his Aunt Christy :)

 Maw Maw, Aunt Wendy, Mom, birthday boy, Aunt Jen (and cousin Tater making her look like she has a massive fat roll - LOL), Lulu and Mimi! What a ladies' man!

 Doesn't get much more precious than this...

 and this!

 Hey Maw Maw, share that bun with me!

 Chance and his later-in-life girlfriend Jensen!  I mean, look at her staring and smiling at him already! :)

Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate my precious nephew.  Chelsea and Michael are so blessed and that baby boy is so very loved!