In November we went ahead and did an additional test, the "scratch test." Basically this was another painful procedure to biopsy the lining of the uterus to be sure there were no infections or other reasons I may not be able to carry a child. It also creates scar tissue that helps the lining grow back thicker and thus, hopefully enables a better chance for embryos to attach after transfer (I know...dude. So much information. At this point, I'm literally in awe of how teens get knocked up after a night of binge drinking and bad decisions.). Anyway. Procedure went great, all seemed great. Time to try again.
The only people who knew we were doing another transfer on December 10th were my mom, and apparently my sister and sister-in-law, neither of which ever mentioned it because I didn't ever bring it up. So we were kind of on our own, which was actually just fine. This is all such an emotional roller-coaster not just for us, but for those who care so much about us as well.
Beginning in November, I started back on medications, and by early December I began the awful task of nightly progesterone shots...right in the ass. This is a 1.5 inch needle, thick as hell, that must be administered "intra-muscularly" every night...for TEN WEEKS. I mean, if I get knocked up, it's totally worth it, but otherwise, it's just another form of infertile lady torture. Anywho.
December 10th and time for another transfer. Things went smoothly, no anesthesia or any other discomfort this time, so that was nice. We have to wait 9 days to take a pregnancy test. Nine days seems like nothing in the grand scheme of life, but when you're talking about something you've been working toward for YEARS...9 days is like a lifetime. For nine days I waited for "pregnancy symptoms" that never came. I was not optimistic. I warned Miles and my mother not to get their hopes up because I felt nothing. On December 19th, I went in for a pregnancy test that morning, and this time, I asked that I NOT be called until after 4 pm. I'd be finished with work, so either way, I wouldn't have to deal with my emotions in front of anyone else apart from Miles.
FINALLY the call comes from our dear nurse. When I answered, she asked how I was. My reaction? "I'm okay, but I'm assuming you're calling with bad news, so..." It was clear that she was completely baffled, as I'm sure most of the women she calls aren't quite as outspoken as me, so when she replied "WHY?" I was the one who was taken aback. I told her I didn't feel any symptoms and that I just had a bad feeling...but also that she wasn't arguing with me, so I asked if it was good news??? "YES!" she replied, "You're pregnant!"
Here's how the next minute or so went.
Me: WHAT!?
Her: Yes, you're pregnant!
Her: Yeah, I'm definitely sure. In fact you're REALLY pregnant, your beta is 243!
Me: What!?! What's normal?
Her: 5-50.
(the freaking out ensues...)
I had her on speakerphone, so needless to say when we hung up, Miles and I were FREAKING OUT!!! We finally were able to take a breath and enjoy some good news. Again, it is very early and we have a long road ahead, but that wasn't going to stop us from basking in our excitement. Since I don't have any tubes left, we knew it couldn't be ectopic, so that was a bonus at this point!
After a few blood draws over the next couple of weeks, my numbers continued to rise at a rapid pace, leading us and all of the people in Dr. K's office to believe I was pregnant with multiples. At 6 weeks 4 days, we went in for our first ultrasound. No multiples, but one perfect little baby with an outstanding heartbeat!!! I believe God knows there is only so much I can handle...and perhaps twins was just too much. :)
It hasn't been an easy road leading up to now. We've had multiple scares throughout the first trimester, but with each scare, the support of the doctors and their willingness to help us has been unreal. We are so blessed. As of today, I'm 12.5 weeks along, and we are finally getting to the point where we can be excited and start looking ahead. (Side note: I am now 16 weeks!)
The last few years have produced trials and tribulations that we could've never anticipated, but all of the hardships, frustrations, and devastating events have led us to where we are today, and for that we are grateful. This baby is going to be spoiled completely rotten, needless to say!
Our struggles are far from over, but with each passing day we pray for strength and for the health and happiness of this little Cobb, and somehow it helps us to get through. We have the most amazing support group of family and friends, and we thank the Lord for putting these people in our lives! We would not have made it through this mess without them.
I will keep you updated through my blog if you are interested. We welcome prayers for strength and guidance, for ourselves and for our bundle of joy on the way. Now that we are getting past the "miscarriage" window, it's all becoming very real. In fact, at our last appointment with the fertility doctor, I had a minor freak out when I realized...HOLY SHIT NOW WE ARE GOING TO BE PARENTS!!! WHAT NOW!?!?! :)