What I believe:
As a member of a society that thrives on expressing every thought and opinion we have through Facebook or Twitter, I've decided that I want to write down my beliefs on certain political issues for my benefit and anyone else who cares. So here goes nothing.
1. When you make money, you should reap the benefits of the money you earned. It should not be taken from you and used to support those who refuse to get a job and would rather overuse government funding originally meant for those who came upon hard times (in which case I am completely okay with welfare/unemployment compensation - for a limited amount of time). Also, if the government is going to give my money to those "in need," it's only fair for them to take a drug test to make sure that our money is not being used to fuel an addiction. I do not wish to be an enabler. If we must take drug tests before we work, welfare recipients should be drug tested before they receive a handout. I truly do not understand an argument against that. I also do not understand how those on welfare or other forms of government funding are able to afford the finer things in life, i.e. iPhones, manicures/pedicures, fancy cars, etc.
2. If I want a gun, or more reasonably, if my husband wants a gun, he should be allowed to have one. Do I believe he should have to take a course to carry it? Absolutely. Would I like for him to be able to protect us and use it if necessary? Yes. Do I feel the government should have the authority to take that right away from able-bodied and educated Americans? No. If we keep law-breakers and criminals off the streets and behind bars without giving them 30 chances to squirm their way around the system, we would have to worry less about gun control. See #7 for more of my opinion on consequences.
3. I believe that God had a plan when he created each and every one of us. Do I always understand why people love the ones they do? No. Do I judge them for that? No. Do I believe the government that allows so many freedoms should be allowed to place restrictions on who can marry whom? No.
4. I believe that I lived through my parents' struggles to keep our family afloat during good times and bad. My dad worked hard for his money and a huge chunk of that money was taken out to afford health insurance for my parents and their three kids. It was expensive but necessary. As a teacher myself, I've seen the unbelievable premiums removed from my checks each month for health insurance. Expensive but necessary. Now, how is it that we pay those premiums each paycheck and others sit back and are provided with free health care? I am all for sick citizens being afforded insurance post-diagnosis, but I am not okay with hearing horror stories from nursing friends about patients that come in talking about how "they ain't paying for shit" and "Obama is taking care of it." This is beyond frustrating knowing the struggles my parents went through and of the struggles many of my friends and their families are currently going through to make sure they can ration their earnings properly.
5. I believe the government is responsible for providing structure and order in a chaotic world. It is responsible for protecting its citizens. This country was based on the idea of Federalism, affording extensive power to the states in an effort to ensure the federal government did not abuse it's power. Do I feel like the national government is abusing it's power? Please see previous beliefs for this answer.
6. I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Freedom of speech is a beautiful thing, but social networks make it very easy to express your ideas, beliefs and opinions through text with little repercussion. People exhaust their opinions endlessly and have developed a very low tolerance for anyone that disagrees. Our country is becoming more and more divided and I believe social networks (while excellent for keeping in touch and developing relationships) are fostering a platform for further divisive material.
7. This brings me to another point: I believe there should be consequences for our actions. Actions without consequence promote reckless behavior. Without repercussions, it becomes an endless cycle. I believe shows like "Teen Mom" promote inexcusable and reckless behavior and that our country was a lot better off before such shows dominated our TV channels. Take that for what it is; whether it has to do with government or not is irrelevant.
If these beliefs and ideas make me "conservative" or "Republican," then I am proud to be just that. I think if more of us discussed WHY we are affiliated with the political party of our choice instead of bashing the opposing side, it'd be easier for others to be tolerant of our opinions. It's very simple, but our apathy is out of control.
Some of my favorite tolerance quotes:
1. Tolerance implies no lack of commitment to one's own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others. -John F. Kennedy
2. In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher. -Dalai Lama
When referencing the government, several of my favorite quotes come from the great Thomas Jefferson.
2. "A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government..."
3. "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty."
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